2014年1月8日 星期三




[1] 《妙法蓮華經》卷一,CBETA, T9, no. 262, p. 2a26-a28
[2] 乾闥婆:梵語乾闥婆,華言香陰。陰,即身也。不噉酒肉,惟香資陰,故名香陰。是帝釋天主樂神,在須彌山南,金剛窟住。天主欲作樂時,即上天也。gandharva or gandharva kāyikās, spirits on Gandha-mādana the fragrant or incense mountains, so called because the Gandharvas do not drink wine or eat meat, but feed on incense or fragrance and give off fragrant odours. As musicians of Indra, or in the retinue of Dhṛtarāṣtra, they are said to be the same as, or similar to, the Kinnaras. They are, or according to M.W., Dhṛtarāṣtra is associated with soma, the moon, and with medicine. They cause ecstasy, are erotic, and the patrons of marriageable girls; the Apsaras are their wives, and both are patrons of dicers.
[3] 《妙法蓮華經文句》,CBETA, T34, no. 1718, p. 25a16-a19
[4] 《法華文句記》,CBETA, T34, no. 1719, p. 187a13-a14

